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Significados de bacterial flora em inglês
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Uso de bacterial flora em inglês
Distribution of the gut bacterialflora showed small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
Each surface of the body has its own bacterialflora.
Most human S. putrefaciens strains are isolated from bacterialflora, which puts to question its clinical significance.
It was recognized how intricate and finely tuned connection exists between the gut bacterialflora and the intestinal mucosa.
No significant change in the three major AOM bacteria present in nasopharyngeal bacterialflora after administration of antimicrobial agents was observed.
Construction of an ileal reservoir changes the fecal bacterialflora and the fecal composition of bile acids and short-chain fatty acids.
The wide tube of the vagina is further protected by a normal bacterialflora which produces conditions hostile to other and pathogenic bacteria.
A negative correlation between Bifidobacterium and Enterobacteriaceae in the probiotic group suggests a possible involvement of BBG-01 in alteration of the enteric bacterialflora.
Beforehand, their bacterialflora were not diverse, and afterward, they were, indicating the transplants had recreated a healthy, diverse bacterial ecosystem in the patients' guts.
Previous experiments by our group have indicated the regenerative effects of a spring water (Comano), which was possibly associated with the native non-pathogenic bacterialflora.
Background: Vaginal pH is related to genital tract inflammation and changes in the bacterialflora, both suggested cofactors for persistence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.