However, they ran out of money and almost the entire roster left to join Denial Esports, a US- basedCS:GO squad, although Hadjipaschali returned.
Materials and methods: One group was treated with a tacrolimus- basedCS-free immunosuppressive protocol, the other one underwent tacrolimus plus low dose CS therapy.
Morphological measurements made on rate-4.5 HMT model- basedCS reconstructions were in good agreement with measurements made on fully sampled reference images.
Results: Rate-4.5 acceleration with HMT model- basedCS provided image quality comparable to that of rate-3 acceleration with conventional CS and fully sampled reference reconstructions.
Conclusion: HMT model- basedCS can potentially be used to accelerate clinical carotid MRI by a factor of 4.5 without impacting diagnostic quality or quantitative endpoints.
There was no significant bias or correlation between mean and difference of measurements when comparing rate 4.5 HMT model- basedCS with fully sampled reference images.