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Significados de based standards em inglês
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Uso de based standards em inglês
Optus's sites are regulated, independently tested and comply with science- basedstandards and international recommendations.
Members of Australian DMATs would also support the development and implementation of meaningful, evidence- basedstandards.
Establishing age- basedstandards for cancer care will become more important as the US population ages.
Reference standards derived from Indian populations classified a larger proportion of US- based Indians as normal than did US white- basedstandards.
For stroke patients residing in resource-limited rural areas, secondary prevention and rehabilitation are largely unavailable, and where present, are far below evidence- basedstandards.
Nestle officials said their products from China were safe and urged the Taiwan health department to introduce "science- basedstandards" for melamine tests.
These difficult tasks are complicated by the lack of evidence- basedstandards in a field influenced by the lure of financial gains for multiple parties involved.
Trauma care in Ireland must be reformed to meet evidence- basedstandards of best practice and to care for the changing profile of trauma patients .
Evidence was evaluated against the Consensus- basedStandards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) criteria.
Two reviewers independently rated measurement properties using the Consensus- basedStandards for the selection of Health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) 4-point scale.
The risk of bias of the included articles was assessed with the use of the COnsensus- basedStandards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments checklist.
The Consensus- basedStandards for the Selection of health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) checklist was used to assess methodological quality and measurement property rating of included studies.
Methodological quality of the studies and data on measurement properties were assessed by using the Consensus basedStandards for selection of health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN).