Shout loudly and without restraint.
1The elk bugles, the moose roars and bawls, in desire or defiance.
2I will back my horse against you for fifty, bawls out Will.
3I'll take no refusal now, by George I won't, bawls the knight.
4Besides, Dave is never in earnest when he bawls me out.
5Like that of Rude, French liberty opens her mouth and bawls.
6When Marriott crawls she crawls, and when she bawls she bawls.
7In vain he bawls for mercy; in vain calls upon the captain to save him.
8He roars with rage, and when in pain he cries, or he bawls and howls.
9I should think you'd know it from the way that Sig Rosenblatt bawls everybody out.
10When she is gored or in great danger she bawls also, but that is different.
11He finds his mistress gone to the country, and he bawls, and stamps, and swears.
12If he sees anyone he knows, he bawls out:
13Accordingly, the harpooner, the instant he has made a good hit, bawls out, Haul away!
14Up and down he seemed thrown, with bloody face, flinging arms, while he uttered hoarse bawls.
15But I gathered from the roars and bawls that the Rube was after some of the boys.
16Though the calf was tired, he still could bellow, and he filled the air with robust bawls.
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