A shop where a variety of goods are sold.
1The bazars in which the tradesmen have their shops, are very extensive.
2He did not care for any of the bazars which were in bounds.
3Goes wherever she can shove in-subscriptionlectures and musicales, hospital teas, Christmas bazars.
4Long streets of tents, fitted up as bazars, furnished all kinds of provisions.
5The next place of interest that I visited were their mercantile bazars or stores.
6Charity holds bazars, and sells at one hundred per cent.
7Aneyzy has bazars, and is inhabited by respectable Arab merchants.
8After awhile, the people reappeared and the bazars filled.
9Coachman, drive me a little through the bazars here.
10In the pariáns, or bazars, buyos are sold ready made, and the outfit for making them.
11Later we visited the street bazars, all of them furnished with articles claimed to be antique.
12Further visits to the streets and bazars revealed new scenes, and such a variety of nationalities!
13Probably, it is identical with what is now called Mungka laddu in the bazars of Indian towns.
14How good the bazars must be!
15Let's see-four dinners, three balls, two operas,- aweek-endatWindsor, two bazars, three meetings, two concerts, and tea-parties galore!
16In the streets and bazars, in the house, and even in the mosque, the Mekkawy loves to laugh and joke.