Ainda não temos significados para "be a divinity".
1The Romans held Rome to be a divinity, gave her statues and altars, and offered her divine worship.
2There used to be a divinity question set in the schools in these terms: Where, in the regenerate, hath sin its lodging-place?
3We ached to burn incense before the altar of some divinity; but it must be a divinity of our own discovering, our own choosing.
4There 's a divinity that shapes our ends even when they do not meet.
5Ate, the daughter of Zeus and Eris, was a divinity who delighted in evil.
6She is a divinity! His mood shifted just as suddenly as it had collapsed.
7My soul, she is a divinity! Then he shifted suddenly to whining and cringing.
8And Bronson reasoned that there was a divinity of blood, despite the patents of democracy.
9Had she been a divinity, I could not have worshipped her with a purer feeling.
10To me Flora Hatherton was a divinity, a goddess.
11But, sir, there 's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough hew them as we will.
12You know the lines-'There 'sa divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will'?
13An emperor had but to open his veins, and in an hour he was a divinity.
14One thing, however, I do begin to see is that there is a divinity in men.
15If there 's a Divinity that shapes these ends, the whole is intelligible and reasonable; otherwise, not.
16But "there is a divinity that shapes our ends etc."