Ainda não temos significados para "be a hush".
1There seemed to be a hush of expectancy in the air.
2There would be a hush around us in which you could hear a sea-anemone sigh.
3There was a hush still and significant; for this was church policy.
4Through the house there was a hush, unusual at the Folies Bergères.
5Then there was a hush on deck, and the commodore himself appeared.
6The band stopped playing, and, for a moment, there was a hush.
7But that morning there was a hush in the woods that Chad understood.
8There was a hush which seemed deadly; the onlookers feared to draw breath.
9There was a hush over the house amid the old trees.
10When it ended there was a hush, followed by thunderous applause.
11There was a hush as the two boys came into view.
12Everyone looked at the cross, and again there was a hush.
13Still there was a hush, and the girls faced her expectantly.
14There was a hush while Paddy took in all they had to tell.
15At this there was a hush, as when the play is to begin.
16He raised his hand and spoke, and there was a hush.