Ainda não temos significados para "be grace".
1And yes, there has been suffering, but now there will be grace.
2Upon thee be grace from thy Lord, the Exalted!
3Where the thought flows on calmly, let there be grace and ease in gesture and action.
4But lest some should misinterpret these remarks, I will add that there must be grace at heart.
5How beautifully he spoke about his mother!-tearsglittered in his eyes then,-ah ,theremust be grace there after all!
6What the nature of it was Grace had not the remotest idea.
7Doc was very handsome; his every movement was grace; his poses magnificent.
8Its subject is grace; its origin is grace; its gift is grace.
9That is grace, in the primary New Testament use of the phrase.
10There was grace in her carriage, charm in her gestures and movements.
11Former ZANU-PF members were protected by the president. Where is Grace Mugabe?
12My daughter's middle name is Grace actually - named after this album.
13And always it was Grace who was the centre of his description.
14He missed being graced with an answer because of a ringing doorbell.
15In this case it was Grace who gave, and Howard who received.
16But he wondered how it was Grace could treat him so shabbily.
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