A game in which numbered balls are drawn at random and players cover the corresponding numbers on their cards.
1Work consists of a solitary press conference on a plush Italian beano.
2Wish I'd ha' known wot sort of beano I was comin' to.
3There's a 'beano' coming over from Lyme and I'm full up already.
4Plus 5 to catch at Castlepalooza's annual beano of boutique beats and sounds.
5Plus a preview of this weekend's Swedish House Mafia beano in the Phoenix Park.
6We're 'avin' a bit of a beano becos of it.
7Isn't it a poser where all the furniture goes to at a 'beano' like this!
8There is a rather impressive beano in progress in the dining-room, and they are waiting for supplies.
9Only once in my life-andthat for a trifling beano- alady'sbag and a couple of wipes.
10This is just the scale of Big Football now, the ceaseless clamour around an ever-more engorged global beano.
11Jolly old beano, I call it!
12And Hurricane Fly could signal a potential festival beano for Ireland if successful in today's Stan James Champion Hurdle.
13As is now customary, mid-March sees me swapping the usual beat in Dublin for Austin and the SXSW beano.
14In fact for many major sports the pact of more money for less exposure continues to be a financial beano.
15And then there's the budget for a Bullingdon beano, a fairly open-ended prospect depending on champagne consumption and collateral damage reparations.
16Festival update (2): full details of who will be playing the Knockanstockan beano will be announced this coming Friday.