Ainda não temos significados para "began hurling".
1Some of the onlookers began hurling rocks and rotten fruit.
2Two dozen drafters and several color wights popped up from the roofs and began hurling magic.
3They began hurling stones in a deadly hail.
4After handcuffing him and tying him up with wire, the Hamas men began hurling accusations, he said.
5Edwards began hurling racist slurs toward King after he handcuffed her and placed her inside his car.
6Some began hurling missiles and surging forward.
7The Torgun began hurling insults, taunting them.
8Later, 40 to 50 youths arrived in the square and began hurling rocks.
9Then he sprang to his feet and began hurling vituperation at them at the top of his lungs.
10On this, the other gypsies, themselves maddened by approaching death, began hurling manikins, by handfuls, into the fire.
11A terrier, number nine for the day, began hurling itself at the ground-floor door, but no humans answered either bell.
12Thul growled deep in his throat, whirled, and went back to the packs, began hurling things around in his rage.
13We were able to get over the German lines and my companion began hurling thousands of the pamphlets in every direction.
14Protesters appeared to block one NYPD trucks with a movable barrier and began hurling objects like traffic cones and water bottles.
15Faced without a barricade of about 100 police vehicles, Stonewall Inn patrons began hurling coins and other objects at the police force.
16Before she knew what was happening, Officer Michelle Morsi Murphy jumped from the other vehicle and immediately began hurling obscenities at her.
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