Ainda não temos significados para "behave admirably".
1The boys behave admirably.
2They join in prayer morning and evening, they behave admirably, and really there is nothing in their conduct to find fault with.
3By the bye, Emmy, I have never asked what you think of Myrvin's conduct in this affair; did he not behave admirably?
4Klitz and Gillooly behaved admirably, and did much to retrieve their character.
5The Grizzly accepted the situation resignedly and behaved admirably during the whole trip.
6The boat behaved admirably, rising over the seas like a duck.
7The young man has behaved admirably, and we can not but esteem him.
8The 'Aurora' behaved admirably, as she invariably does in heavy weather.
9As he is not a genius he, naturally, behaves admirably on every occasion.
10The eminent physician whom I had called in to superintend the treatment behaved admirably.
11The children enjoyed themselves, and behaved admirably into the bargain.
12The people all behaved admirably, and made not a sound.
13My men behaved admirably, and the lesson has been a good one for them.
14As the days went by, it became an ever greater challenge, but they behaved admirably.
15Nevertheless, the boat behaved admirably, and attained a speed of over seven miles an hour.
16Our little army behaved admirably in their encampment at Fort Bridger under these trying privations.
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