Persuasion of voters in a political campaign.
Playing a set of bells that are (usually) hung in a tower.
Examples for "carillon"
Examples for "carillon"
1The child went out of the place sadly as the carillon rang.
2Beneath, a carillon of bells was suspended from a small iron tower.
3He glanced over his shoulder at the cloth-shrouded carillon and shuddered.
4No town, however poor, but in time had its carillon.
5The carillon in the highest of Sagrada Bastante's thirteen towers struck its cheerful melody.
1Carillon playing is strenuous exercise.
2"What do you mean, you don't have the key?" Gerbert asked, his voice so sharp the sound cut through the enchanted carillon playing overhead.
1Sahwah wakened with the sound of a bell ringing in her ears.
2On Sunday he heard the bell ringing from his church hard by.
3There is the chapel bell ringing, now, and I must be off.
4Throw lever off from the right to center, which stops bell ringing.
5I hear his bell ringing every time I get a minute's leisure.
6Despite the warning bell ringing in my head, I hugged him back.
7Across the cobbled square a bell ringing and into this building number eight.
8The gas was lit, and the dressing- bell ringing, before the last coat-tail disappeared.
9And the drum continued beating and the bell ringing more loudly than before.
10They heard the big farm bell ringing outside; it was suppertime.
11Amelia heard the claret bell ringing as she sat nervously upstairs.
12It was like a cold-tongued bell ringing within him and numbing his heart.
13There was the high sound of a bell ringing three times.
14If she was, she did not answer to his knocking and bell ringing.
15These monks, it is said, keep a bell ringing during storms.
16Just to the west lay Sweetgrass, its village bell ringing wildly.
Translations for bell ringing