Ainda não temos significados para "benevolent gaze".
1Wasgatt was left with the Duke, and the latter fixed him with benevolent gaze.
2N'guk turned his benevolent gaze upon another-onehigher in authority.
3Long Jim had already prepared breakfast, and he turned a benevolent gaze upon Henry.
4Smith turned to him, bowed, and fixed him with a benevolent gaze through his eyeglass.
5He looked up, and caught Psmith's benevolent gaze.
6Then he turned his benevolent gaze upon Savage, and said: So you come too, Mr. Bena.
7Lavinia was seated next to Cesare Orsi, but she was entirely oblivious of his heavy kindly face and almost anxiously benevolent gaze.
8It is wonderful," he added, directing his conversation and his benevolent gaze towards White, "how busy an idle man may be."
9Sergeant Daniel Whitley was leaning against a stump, and while he was calmly lighting a pipe he regarded the three boys with a benevolent gaze.
10The Philosopher's benevolent gaze approved of his friend's wife from the top of her masses of shining hair to the tip of her white-shod foot.
11'Shouldn't wonder if it does, Paula,' he replied, with a benevolent gaze.
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Benevolent gaze ao longo do tempo
Benevolent gaze nas variantes da língua