The IUD as a birthcontroldevice goes back to prehistory, practically.
Essure, approved by U.S. regulators in 2002, is a non-surgical and non-hormonal permanent birthcontroldevice for women.
It is close to settling injury claims over inserted birthcontroldevice Essure for more than 1 billion euros.
What's crucial is that you were not even in puberty, yet you were fitted with a birthcontroldevice without your knowledge.
Ms Camacho, a Catholic like her husband, said she was aware of the church's position but had decided to begin using a birthcontroldevice.
But for this matter, so is heterosexuality under the protection of the pill, the condom, or any other birthcontroldevice or method, abortion included.
These include patients suing over hip and knee replacements, intrauterine birthcontroldevices and the anti-psychotic drug Risperdal.
Only postnatal intercourse taboos and breast-feeding, nature's own birthcontroldevices, spared a woman from another immediate pregnancy.
From the coded headings, Nicole could tell that Francesca had requested the inventory subroutine to list the birthcontroldevices available onboard the spacecraft.