European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison.
Examples for "aurochs"
Examples for "aurochs"
1This is an Eurasian aurochs, the ancestor of our modern domestic cattle.
2It wasn't that much different, I reflected, from hunting the aurochs.
3Master Bones began giggling when the aurochs went down for the first time.
4Used to come over to my mother's nest to gut aurochs.
5Why don't we just try hunting the aurochs with your pack?
1Modern naturalists identify the elk with the eland, the wisent with the auerochs.
2Then slowe the dowghtie Sigfrid a wisent and an elk, he smote four stoute uroxen and a grim and sturdie schelk.
3[Footnote: Dar nach sluoger schiere, einen wisent unde elch.
Translations for bison bonasus