Van used by police to transport prisoners.
A form of whist in which players avoid winning tricks containing hearts or the queen of spades.
Examples for "hearts"
Examples for "hearts"
1Forebodings vanished; hearts lightened; gladness reigned; the excellence of crumpets became apparent.
2If today we hear his voice let us not harden our hearts.
3He is expected to address immigration, the closest issue to Hispanics' hearts.
4We need to forgive and open our hearts to a new beginning!
5Test us, tap our knees, check our hearts, exercise us, ask questions!
1Don't miss the Black Maria, a replica of the first movie studio.
2The first motion-picture studio was dubbed by the staff the " Black Maria."
3Nevertheless, the Hotel of the Black Maria remains an ideal.
4Description of the other buildings; Black Maria, the first film studio ever built, etc.
5There's a Black Maria waiting around the corner on Fiftieth.
6Keep the Black Maria, and when the play goes we will have a mighty reckoning.
7Presently the door was banged, and " Black Maria" started with her living freight.
8The seats in your Black Maria are too hard-besides , Igotmy reputation to consider!
9They drove her to court in a Black Maria, packed among thieves, drunkards and disorderly characters.
10Damn it all, Mahoney, that's the ' Black Maria!'
11Take me to the Black Maria with them.
12When " Black Maria" disgorged her breakfast, we were ushered into the great hall of Holloway prison.
14It was indeed the Teuton " Black Maria," and we were hurried upstairs to be tumbled into it.
15Two minutes later young Ernol was placed in a large passenger flier, which the doctor labeled " Black Maria."
16While I stood there waiting and staring out into the prison court-yard, there came, rolling and rumbling in, a Black Maria.
Translations for black Maria