Ainda não temos significados para "bloated cheeks".
1The financier's bloated cheeks purpled as he put his clumsy interrogation.
2Who would think that those bloated cheeks were ever kissed by a mother's lips?
3The hot blood rushed to the man's bloated cheeks.
4For here was a priesthood, pampered, sensual, with red and bloated cheeks, and carnal eyes.
5The brilliant sunlight made their eyes blink, and the cold sent purple blotches to their bloated cheeks.
6The leather-like skin of the bloated cheeks had assumed an ashen hue still streaked and mottled with brown.
7Bunny thinks for a moment that he can see real tears on Geoffrey's bloated cheeks, but is not sure.
8The flush of anger had come back into his bloated cheeks by the time he had slipped under the sidewall into the dressing-tent.
9Ere they were well gone a man appeared craving audience, a fat man who wore a woeful countenance, for tears ran down his bloated cheeks.
10'What?' From him?' he muttered, with an irrepressible shudder, which shook his bloated cheeks.
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