Ainda não temos significados para "blunt swords".
1The champions fight with blunt swords ground sharp on the two edges.
2The Alemanni were all condemned criminals, who were allowed no armor, and only blunt swords wherewith to defend themselves.
3A man has to defend himself, and even with blunt swords he will get awkward cracks if he cannot protect his head.
4They danced beneath the horned moon as the blunted swords sang their steely song.
5Will we try a bout with blunted swords just now?
6O mayest thou forge anew our blunted swords on a different anvil against the Massagetae and Arabians.
7Dressed in plain practice leathers, Phoria and Elani struck at each other with blunted swords, catching each other's blades on spiked bucklers.
8Barnaby produced two blunted swords and taught Elizabeth the correct stance, feet turned outward, one hand on hip, the other holding forth her weapon.
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