For James, the emotions are not the bodilyprocesses but the perception of bodilyprocesses.
The bodilyprocesses were slowed down; the heart throbbed sluggishly, once every few minutes; thought ceased.
But the invisibility of the procedure is as complete as that of your own bodilyprocesses.
Just a heap of bodilyprocesses-andregret.
And don't you know how much control the trance gives each twin over the bodilyprocesses of the other?
The thyroid, which is a gland in the neck, produces hormones that affect several bodilyprocesses, including metabolism and growth.
The stasis pod closed; gases entered the chamber and began the process of preparing Ram's body to slow down all bodilyprocesses.
He describes sitting in an anechoic chamber, in which silence is so absolute that you start to hear your internal bodilyprocesses.
It even fosters misunderstandings of the ways in which pills themselves work, which is to assist bodilyprocesses, and the mind's "meaning response."
But common sense and everyday observation tell us that states of consciousness do influence the bodilyprocesses-influencethe circulation, the digestion, the secretions, the respiration.