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Significados de bookmen em inglês
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Uso de bookmen em inglês
I sold my hard-bought school books for ridiculous sums to second-hand bookmen.
The authors were usually professional bookmen writing for a bookish public.
I have, then, monsieur, a kind of psychological rheumatism; prescience, bookmen call it.
As to the bookmen, music, and libraries, I'll give ye a free hand.
He was chiefly concerned with Doria and had prepared for him various messages to bookmen in Turin.
Northern bookmen were to blame for this.
And in those days there still were bookmen-widely-informed ,observant ,devotedold bookmen-wholoved their trade, and adorned it.
I know by the stand you take about our cause that you share the superstitions of the old bookmen.
A certain largeness of idea and nobility of impulse often made him act the sentiments of which bookmen write.
The world of bookmen is in great need of a new crop of intimists, or whatever you call them.
They had some sort of aspirations, fitful and vague as these might be, to become in their time bookmen also.
But as my business was rather with Books and bookmen, I sought chiefly the society of the latter, nor was I disappointed.
There are some authors whom we think of as bookmen; there are others whom we think of as men first, and as writers secondarily.
One Oxford bookseller, Sir Basil Blackwell, publicly invited antiquarian bookmen to sign a declaration that they had never touched and never would touch a ring.
Thackeray, Trollope, Green, Symonds, are possible exceptions-examplesof bookmen who passed their lives with books, and who never wrote to promote "a cause."