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Significados de borderline significance em inglês
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Uso de borderline significance em inglês
History of abortion and history of transfusion were of borderlinesignificance.
The absorbance was positively correlated with the degree of blood parasitemia, but with a borderlinesignificance.
However, PTA-high showed a positive association with borderlinesignificance with WC in female subjects older than 55.
However, differences were of borderlinesignificance.
There is a negative trend between beta carotene and risk of pre-invasive disease which is of borderlinesignificance.
As far as response rate is concerned, a trend of superiority over CMF was observed, which was of borderlinesignificance.
In the case of reduced eGFR, diabetes and age retained strong associations while the association with hypertension had borderlinesignificance.
The possibility that this relation is a chance finding must be considered, because the relation is weak and of borderlinesignificance.
Presence of a deep carotid ulcer was of borderlinesignificance (OR, 2.08; 0.93 to 4.68).
FEV1 decline in continuing smokers was significantly associated with duration of smoking, whereas associations with intensity and pack-years were of borderlinesignificance.
In multivariate analyses, FIGO stage and morphometrically determined mean nuclear size were identified as independent prognostic factors, whereas histologic grade had borderlinesignificance.
In the multivariate analysis only HPV status was shown to have an independent impact on age at diagnosis, while stage showed only borderlinesignificance.
However, the difference of gained knowledge between intervention and control groups was only of borderlinesignificance (p = 0.059).
In the carcinoma-in-situ group, the odds ratio was greater than 4 in the 3 lowest Beta-carotene quintiles and of borderlinesignificance.
The comparison of the lowest 4 quintiles for the carcinoma-in-situ group with the highest gave an odds ratio of 4.0, a ratio of borderlinesignificance.