Ainda não temos significados para "borzois".
1The hounds had killed two of the cubs and the borzois three.
2There, it has beaten them all, the thousand-ruble as well as the one-ruble borzois.
3Four borzois with collars were pressing close to the wheels.
4Why, you've given a village for each of your borzois!
5Rostóv, holding his breath, looked round at the borzois.
6The terrified wolf pressed back her ears and tried to rise, but the borzois stuck to her.
7The angry borzois whined and getting free of the leash rushed past the horses' feet at the wolf.
8A ring of borzois surrounded him.
9André Michod, who ran a small bookshop in the Boulevard Baspail, owned a pair of borzois he rented to studios.
10He had heard of the swiftness of Ilágin's borzois, and in that beautiful bitch saw a rival to his own Mílka.
11But at that moment she remembered that her borzois had got out and had not come back to the kennels again.
12In the autumn he used to go wolf-hunting with my father and us, with the borzois, and Agafya Mikhailovna loved him for that.
13For instance, my neighbours tell me wonderful, incredible things that their Aberdeens and chows and borzois have done; I never listen to them.
14As a result of this, he galloped up to the wolf just when she had been stopped a second time by "Uncle's" borzois.
15Borzois are the opposite.
16"Uncle's" huntsman was galloping from the other side across the wolf's path and his borzois once more stopped the animal's advance.
Borzois ao longo do tempo