Examples for "shorts"
Examples for "shorts"
1Still don't excuse kids dropping their shorts with no regard for consequences.
2They're impossible to get bunched up and also make great gym shorts.
3Dennis held a net and water inked the hems of his shorts.
4He seemed about eight; a little, sturdy figure in white cotton shorts.
5Deep in the right pocket of her shorts was a key ring.
1The room was in disorder-thedrawers pulled out and the contents ransacked.
2The bookcase was empty and clean swept; so also were the drawers.
3Just look in the drawers for a sheet to bury him in.
4I opened the drawers to see my belongings in their new home.
5Thou wilt find, it on the chest of drawers in the bedroom.
1These boxers have been in good form and have a good draw.
2Both boxers lost their rhythm completely, falling to the floor several times.
3We are often defined by our nationalities and boxers are no different.
4All-in-all, Mayweather probably ranks inside the top 20 boxers of all time.
5When they arrived, he had everything waiting for them, including clean boxers.
1You may be a Founding Father and all that, but you still leave an occasional skidmark in your underdrawers.
2Madame Putois had begun the basket that Gervaise had brought to her filled with towels, wrappers, cuffs and underdrawers.
3Now the underdrawers bulged grotesquely.
4Men's shirts were five sous, women's underdrawers four sous, pillow-cases a sou and a half, and aprons one sou.
5As a matter of fact, I don't think it's the least bit contagious-so you don't have to ruin your underdrawers.
Translations for boxershorts