Resembling a box in rectangularity.
Examples for "boxlike"
Examples for "boxlike"
1They were more boxlike, with harder right angles, and copper in color.
2The boxlike stone crab traps were made of slatted wood and wire.
3I held on as Julie slalomed our boxlike van around another bend.
4Above the top were the control panels, boxlike protrusions painted an institutional yellow.
5In front, on another iron seat by the boxlike engine, the driver works.
1In quadrupeds the box-shaped pelvis, which admits of easy parturition, is prevalent.
2There were an aneroid and another box-shaped instrument hanging from the ring.
3It was a small box-shaped affair, very light in construction, with paper sides.
4It was a heavy, box-shaped object, attached to a long handle.
5In the same immediate locality were also discovered a number of box-shaped stone graves.
1Soul simply struck a chord in a way other boxy cars didn't.
2It was something the Unabomber might have cobbled together: small, boxy, utilitarian.
3The shape is boxy, squared off on either side of the display.
4At Rick Owens, denim was used to create boxy cut off tunics.
5At the moment it looked like a skeleton of some boxy dinosaur.
6It was a Glock nine millimeter, boxy and dull in the gloom.
7A gauche, boxy cardigan with a virtuoso Lesage appliqué of trailing vines.
8For a desktop system, though, the sub is awfully big and boxy.
9Beyond the cars, further back from the street were rectangular boxy structures.
10Disadvantages Can look boxy if not well done; you're committed once they're in.
11This entails a refreshed grille, new look headlights and a handsome boxy silhouette.
12It's a real head-turner, sleeker than the formulaic, boxy SUV-styled crossover these days.
13The people spoke of visits from the tall, boxy ships of the invaders.
14The same could be said for the clunky, boxy, beat-up speeder parked nearby.
15Slightly boxy fit makes jacket seem bulkier than it actually is.
16Scrapbook, with its boxy format, looks a lot like social media site Pinterest.
Boxy nas variantes da língua
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