Ainda não temos significados para "brassy sky".
1Still the same high, brassy sky, still the same unbroken horizons.
2There were only the brassy sky, and the painted crags quivering in the heat.
3Tuesday dawned hot and windless, a scarlet sun coming up in a hard, brassy sky.
4Hours ago a fierce and wrathful sunset had burned itself out on a brassy sky.
5Choflo, headman, sorcerer and oracle of the Cantanas, scanned the brassy sky and smote his breast with clenched fists.
6A buffet of wind made him stagger and he saw that he was out in the open, on rock, under a brassy sky.
7Days, weeks, and even months passed without a drop of rain falling from the brassy sky, and the fine powdery dust permeated everywhere.
8"I don't like this," remarked Captain Spark one day, as he looked up at the brassy sky.
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