Just how I wanted to go out, scolded by a bratty me.
It's just a bratty throwaway comment, typical Milo, but it hurts me.
Antonia's not the girl he thought she was, a bratty, spoiled kid.
In China, everyone scorned the bratty children of the ruling elite.
Spencer shrugged off her disappointment, not wanting Olivia to think she was bratty.
Uso de brattish em inglês
Masters at creating sonic unease and exuding brattish attitude, Akkord exhibit a strong and alluring sense of purpose.
Too many people had got used to thinking of Ronaldo as a super-talented but brattish and petulant man-baby.
It was an explosion of brattish angst, a battle cry of chic rebellion in the most incongruous of surroundings.
I remember getting a belt to the buttock or spanked with a wooden spoon when I was particularly brattish as a child.
Most of all, there is a culture of instant gratification, unrealistic expectations and brattish demands that has made football management harder than ever.
Nick Kyrgios and Bernard Tomic, Australia's two top tennis players, were handed warnings about their brattish behavior and withdrew their names from contention.
Lyrics are half snarled on the driving In Your Palace and the brattish whine of the infectious Rainbow Ridge with its Nirvana-like melody.
There's a sore on his forehead and he appears almost emaciated, snapping in a brattish manner when Courtney Love admonishes him for his behaviour.
The weather gods that washed out the national livestock show in 2007 and 2008 reviewed their brattish behaviour in 2010.