Ainda não temos significados para "bridal veil".
1The two long journeys end at the snow-drift of the bridal veil.
2I proudly flip the bridal veil skirt to show him the scabbard.
3In the women's house sat Attila's favourite, Cercas, and sewed the bridal veil.
4I longed to see those eyes, still so pure, under her bridal veil.
5The sight of the bridal veil and wreath seemed to rouse Amélie to consciousness.
6The origin of the bridal veil is an unsettled question.
7I sat there shrouded in my bridal veil, hardly daring to glance at Odysseus.
8A girl in a bridal veil sings with a busker.
9No, no, of course not; love cannot look through a bridal veil, can it?
10How do you think the bridal veil looks now, Torp?
11The floor was strewn with pearls and broken ornaments, and fragments of the bridal veil.
12Meghan planted a kōwhai tree, which was chosen because it featured on her bridal veil.
13Father has thrown my bridal veil over an invasion.'
14An' Nan Brown would flirt in her bridal veil!
15Behind her bridal veil he caught a glimpse of the exquisite beauty that chained his heart.
16Better far it should be your bridal veil than to drape these abandoned legs of mine.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Bridal veil ao longo do tempo
Bridal veil nas variantes da língua