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Significados de broil beefsteak em inglês
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Uso de broil beefsteak em inglês
He continued to smell the broilingbeefsteak and tea, and also toast.
He opened the door and smelled broilingbeefsteak and tea.
When she opened the door she immediately smelled tea, the odor of broilingbeefsteak and fried potatoes.
That night, they had a good supper of broiledbeefsteak, good hoe-cake, milk and butter, and coffee in abundance.
At this moment, Job, who was Fernando's cook, came running forward with some broiledbeefsteak on the end of a ramrod.
But by that time the very sight of a rabbit sickened me, and Aggie began to talk about broiledbeefsteak and fried spring chicken.
However, he could not refrain from sniffing audibly with rapture when the first fragrance of the broilingbeefsteak spread through the house to the porch.