Ainda não temos significados para "buffet with".
1As such, the hotel's food was surprisingly satisfactory, including a breakfast buffet with Chinese and Western dishes.
2She must meet and buffet with them.
3Sir Jeoffry stood at the buffet with a flagon of ale in his hand, taking his stirrup cup.
4Are they, in the event of his early death, to be left to buffet with the world unaided?
5He went in search of his wife, and found her drinking chocolate at the buffet with two strange men.
6Our raft was but ill calculated to buffet with a tempest such as seemed but too likely to come on.
7Also gone are the old restaurant and its $9.95 lunch buffet with dessert bar.
8His was not the pinion to buffet with a wind like this, and indeed he was not explicitly called upon to do so.
9They're big silver boxes at the edge of the buffet with two types of slice pan towers balancing on a plate beside them.
10The canoe tossed up and down, apparently scarcely able to buffet with even the small waves, to the lashing of which she was exposed.
11Unable any longer to buffet with the storms of the times, his only solicitude was to seek some safe and quiet harbor of repose.
12So you convince your husband to sneak down to the buffet with zip lock bags in search for leftovers to feed his famished family.
13A favourite with expats for more than a decade, the eatery combines a sprawling buffet with a la carte options and of course, unlimited champagne.
14Some time passed before the seaman saw it; at last he made towards it, but his strength seemed insufficient to buffet with that rough sea.
15Then we began to compare notes of previous voyages, until a railway official entered the buffet with a raucous, "Voyageurs pour Paris, en voiture."
16Financial markets have been buffeted with every twist and turn of the U.S. presidential election.
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