1Chelsea, meanwhile, could finally tell the engraver to get his burin out.
2There too was the copper-worker with his burin and graver.
3Herkomer says that he used the burin in finishing his bitten work with marvellous skill.
4A long piece fell away-theburin spall-leavingthe blade with a strong, sharp, chisel tip.
5The fust ones is the Confed'rits burin' their dead.
6The first is to plough into the metal with a sharp steel instrument called a burin.
7Mammoth ivory could even be preshaped by cutting a circular groove first with a burin chisel.
8And I'm sure I could make a burin out of flint that would bore those holes faster.
9Then it was smoothed with sandstone and decorated with symbolic markings etched in with a flint burin.
10Then he took up a burin and began to carve the shape of a face, a familiar face.
11Then I'll make an awl, and a burin or two so I can carve a charm on the throwers.
12Passing from the bloom of Nature, we complete our circuit with that which springs from the pencil, the chisel and the burin.
13Using a flint burin, or similar chisel-like tool, they carved through a plank to cut off a long section with straight ends.
14Sitting down, he braced the bone against his foot, and, using the burin, he scratched a long line down the length of it.
15The first image on the left was partly carved in the clay; the rest were incised into the stone, probably with a flint burin.
16He and his Kate needed little money; and the seer-husband's pencils and burin, or the private kindness so constantly shown him, provided daily bread.