Ainda não temos significados para "buy tea".
1In Britain you buy tea towels and ironing-board covers from plastic beer crates.
2Sarah was given a shilling and sent out to buy tea.
3Ik koop thee bij de zak (I buy tea by the bag).'
4They refused to buy tea from Britain at all, and smuggled it from Holland.
5There is also a retail area where you can also buy tea leaves and tea sets.
6Outside you could buy tea and cake, and browse the book stall and the bric-a-brac stand.
7Motorists stop to buy tea brewed in aluminum pots on squat tables laid on the pavement.
8This forenoon four or five persons came into my shop who wished to buy tea and tobacco.
9You can buy tea in the afternoons.
10Loyalists arrive to buy tea towels, tapes, and key-rings commemorating the annual Orange Order standoff with the authorities.
11But the colonists stood firm; they refused to buy tea shipped from Great Britain, but smuggled it from Holland.
12Sainsbury's will not pay licensing fees to Fairtrade but will continue to buy tea from farmers certified by the group.
13Over it he had traveled, weary and footsore, through the snow, to sell his precious book to buy tea for Hannah.
14It can seem at times almost amusingly plodding ("ask your stage management to buy tea, coffee and biscuits for the first days of rehearsals").
15The world's biggest coffee chain bought tea seller Teavana in 2012.
16Which of the great mercantile house that bought tea at Canton?
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