[A word that expresses that something is or should be the consequence of something else].
1The English are our masters, and by consequence masters of the sea.
2Those who had thus the dispensation of law, were by consequence themselves lawless.
3Dick went away delighted, and by consequence did no work whatever.
4I studied at Montpelier; the first school in France, and by consequence in Europe.
5He was, by consequence, straitened in his circumstances; but he still remained at college.
6It is a substantial hope, and by consequence a real strength to the enemy.
7So here, the possession of the kingdom comes by consequence from poverty of spirit.
8At another time Blount might have been less angry, and, by consequence, more discreet.
9Judged by the immediate result, the former; by consequence more remote and far-reaching, the latter.
10Their death leaves fewer mouths to feed, and by consequence their race is rapidly multiplying.
11Your sudden change from mislike to liking has, by consequence, presently cast disgrace upon me.
12He -and by consequence the fans -has been failed by those above him.
13There are increasing fears for the viability of matches and, by consequence, the entire league season.
14There are increasing fears for the viability of forthcoming matches and, by consequence, the entire league season.
15Thus we see that the Greek comedy arose after tragedy, and, by consequence, tragedy was its parent.
16Man, the egoist, thinks that if the woman loves him, by consequence she will love his work.