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Significados de call debtor em inglês
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Uso de call debtor em inglês
So- calleddebtors' prisons across the country have been targeted by lawsuits in recent years.
The Canadian government will contribute a portion of the funding for Chrysler's so- calleddebtor-in-possession financing.
He said banks should not be allowed to calldebtors more than three times a month.
LightSquared attorney Matthew Barr said the final terms of the so- calleddebtor-in-possession loan have not been reached.
Bankruptcy loans, calleddebtor-in-possession or DIP financing, have become scarce for companies considering bankruptcy and those already in bankruptcy, he explained.
Reuters reported that the retailer reached a deal with Cyrus for the financing just before the hearing began on the retailer's so- calleddebtor-in-possession financing arrangements.
The so- calledDebtor-In-Possession, or DIP, loan is in the final stages of negotiation, said the people, who declined to be named because talks are private.
San Francisco-based PG&E is working on lining up roughly $5.5 billion in so- calleddebtor-in-possession financing to help operations during bankruptcy proceedings.