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Significados de capitalistic society em inglês
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Uso de capitalistic society em inglês
Is it just the crushing weight of being alive in a capitalisticsociety?
Small producers gave capitalisticsociety a benign face and were "saving us from totalitarianism".
Depression and insomnia, those are likely because of the crushing wweight of being alive in a capitalisticsociety.
The mosh pit seems an apt metaphor of our extroverted, capitalisticsociety, with dancers body-to-body, slamming and pushing.
He had hugged his antiquated dislike of bankers and capitalisticsociety until he had become little better than a crank.
Most people in North Korea will have never before directly experienced a capitalisticsociety... they will learn through experience that has its limits.
And so, through the economic process, the Socialist preaches the ripening of the capitalisticsociety and the coming of the new coöperative society.
We accuse the producers of being parasites for creating these shows, but in a capitalisticsociety, everyone is allowed to make a buck.
It was, of course, far too progressive a plan to gain acceptance in a thoroughly indoctrined capitalisticsociety and, sadly but not surprisingly, flopped.
And we who were in control of the system of communication, naturally, since we were modelled after capitalisticsociety, exacted heavy tolls from our customers.