Ainda não temos significados para "carve stone".
1In time he might be able to carve stone saints and angels, kings and queens, gargoyles and griffins, for great cathedrals.
2He saw a procession of carved stone pilgrims heading for a shrine.
3On some of the ancient arches, there were grotesquely carved stone faces.
4In places, huge masses of carven stone-pylons-stillstand upright, rising like hills.
5It was one of those heavy-duty numbers with the look of carved stone.
6They removed the covering cloth to reveal a sturdy block of carved stone.
7Ye have carved stone and graven wood and called it God.
8Well, the spring is still there, in a carved stone grotto.
9Sylvi turned and walked toward the wall where the carved stone humans stood.
10The priest found a carved stone fount in which he splashed his face.
11A group of lizards played about on the surface of the old carved stone.
12That carved stone and the marble hand took a great hold of my imagination.
13A carved stone table and some metal chairs stood in the middle of it.
14He calmly took a seat in a carved stone chair.
15A rudely carved stone, probably intended to represent some animal.
16The walls, the columns of the carved stone arcades, all writhed with intricate carving.