(Of ships) built with flush (rather than overlapping) hull planks.
Examples for "clinker-built "
Examples for "clinker-built "
1 A clinker - built motor cruiser that had seen better days sat on blocks.
2 Are they clinker-built ? - Yes ; but I don't suppose they use the same materials.
3 Are you familiar with the term clinker-built?'
4 The boat was clinker - built , and where the planks overlapped a slight appearance of dampness was certainly discernible.
5 There is only one objection to the clinker - built canoe that occurs to me as at all plausible.
1 They are carvel-built-thatis, the planks are placed as in a ship.
2 "This is a carvel - built boat; that is, her planking runs fore and aft," Uncle Ben explained, using gestures to indicate the direction.
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