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Significados de causing permanent em inglês
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Uso de causing permanent em inglês
The hangman had done a good job without causingpermanent damage.
Dr Armsby says treatment with antibiotics can stop strep throat from causingpermanent heart damage.
Multiple sclerosis can be a mild illness in some people while causingpermanent disability in others.
Mahoney, who came close to barreling into me and causingpermanent damage, slammed on his heels.
The eye itself deformed, sometimes causingpermanent damage.
The bruises and cuts would heal-Odysseushad calculated the blows to look awful without causingpermanent damage.
The principal safety outcome was fatal bleeding or bleeding into a critical space with a potential for causingpermanent disability.
Questor's lean features squinched down so hard against each other he appeared to be in danger of causingpermanent damage.
Commotio retinae involves acute disruption of photoreceptor outer segments after blunt ocular trauma, with subsequent photoreceptor apoptosis causingpermanent visual impairment.
Not only does the food cook unevenly, but the rounded wok can reflect heat back on the stovetop element, causingpermanent damage.
But, even after just eight hours of lying in one position, pressure ulcers can set in, causingpermanent scarring and skin vulnerability.
Axons become so severely dystrophic near amyloid plaques that their interruption, causingpermanent loss of function, extensive synapse loss, and potentially cell death appears imminent.