As was most natural such a wonderful case of cerebralinjury attracted much notice.
Early death was related to cerebralinjury except for five rats which developed peritoneal bleeding.
Loss of blood-brain barrier (BBB) function may contribute to post-ischemic cerebralinjury by yet unknown mechanisms.
We aimed to evaluate potential underlying cerebralinjury by comparing neurometabolite levels between perinatally HIV-infected children and healthy controls.
This may imply an equal vulnerability to the cerebralinjury associated with hemodynamic instability in the early postoperative period.
Background: Hematopoietic growth factors have been suggested to induce neuroprotective and regenerative effects in various animal models of cerebralinjury.
Recent findings: Although anesthetics have been shown to reduce ischemic cerebralinjury, the durability of this neuroprotection has been questioned.
These early cerebrovascular changes may be the cause of greater cerebralinjury and poor outcomes of stroke in these animals.
Background: Right cerebral language dominance resulting from early cerebralinjury is associated with relatively preserved language function with decreased visuospatial ability.
Prevention of preterm birth and early intervention given signs of imminent intrauterine infection can reduce the incidence of perinatal cerebralinjury.
The incidence of congenital heart anomalies and cerebralinjury was 4% and 5%, respectively.
Perinatal hypoxic-ischemic cerebralinjury is a major determinant of neurologic morbidity and mortality in the neonatal period and later in childhood.
Elevated PENK-A concentrations are associated with ischemic stroke, severity of cerebralinjury, and may have prognostic value for fatal and nonfatal events.
Conclusion: The above findings suggested that ketamine and midazolam combination might provide neuroprotection during surgical procedures that pose risk for ischemic cerebralinjury.
Conclusions: Our results suggest that circulating PMP level is associated with cerebralinjury of AIS, which offers a novel evaluation parameter for AIS patients.
The study was aimed to determine whether systemic inflammation following ischemia-reperfusion (IR) of an organ remotely located from the brain results in cerebralinjury.