Nineteen traumatic cervicalSCI subjects and 28 age-matched healthy subjects participated in this study.
Conclusions: Patients with middle cervicalSCI can develop TEFL.
Significantly higher SCIM scores indicate more functional gain for the adolescent patients after traumatic cervicalSCI.
Conclusions: Neurological outcome after traumatic cervicalSCI is not superior in adolescents compared to adults in this cohort.
Notably, 62.6% of the patients with cervicalSCI were ventilator free by discharge.
In conclusion, IMT resulted in significant diaphragmatic hypertrophy and increased inspiratory muscle strength in highly trained athletes with cervicalSCI.
Electrophysiological correlates of neural excitability show distinct spatial and temporal interrelations within central and peripheral motor pathways following acute cervicalSCI.
In patients with SCI, tracheostomy is associated with major morbidity, and its use, especially among patients with cervicalSCI, deserves further study.
We hypothesized that many patients with SCI, even those with cervicalSCI, can be successfully managed without long-term mechanical ventilation and its associated morbidity.
Conclusion: These data support the safety of tracheostomy insertion 6 to 10 days after anterior cervical spine fixation, particularly in the presence of cervicalSCI.