Within not even a year, two chairpersons had to resign.
Almost all the 21 or so committees, when established, will have Coalition backbenchers as paid chairpersons.
The presidential hopefuls also met with ANC provincial secretaries and chairpersons and the same message was emphasised.
According to the ANC, three former DA branch chairpersons and several ordinary DA members crossed over to the ANC today.
In 2018, the Remuneration Authority reviewed the way it sets the pay levels for councillors mayors and regional council chairpersons.
The DA's constitutional review committee has also put forward an amendment to elect two deputy chairpersons of the Federal Council.
This weekend the county chairpersons are in town for routine meetings and got the opportunity to interact with the FRC.
Session chairpersons, take note.
In many dioceses nowadays most chairpersons of boards are lay people, and this is increasingly the trend in all dioceses.
Dr Clark said for the first time the number of Māori chairpersons and deputies reflected the proportion of the Māori population.
The survey of 273 IoD members, carried out in early October, involved chief executives, senior executives, non-executive directors and chairpersons of companies.
The following is the annual earnings of chairpersons of State bodies under the aegis of the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources.
Madam, - The involvement of media personnel as paid chairpersons in the Minister for Education's recent consultation exercise (YES) is highly questionable.
The Government has been forced into an embarrassing climbdown on its proposal to allow for the direct election of mayors and local authority chairpersons.
GAA president Sean Kelly has announced final details of the committees, sub-committees, work groups and respective chairpersons that will serve during his term of office.
Director general Páraic Duffy's paper was released on Tuesday and distributed to the county boards along with invitations to chairpersons, secretaries and Central Council delegates.