Ainda não temos significados para "champ the bit".
1Lord Chatham indeed was formed to champ the bit, and spurn indignant at every restraint.
2We must champ the bit and wait.'
3Away with them- Icarenot to ride a horse that has not spirit enough to champ the bit!
4We chafe, and foam, and champ the bit that curbs in our passions, and reins us around the wisest way.
5This he did three times in quick succession, causing Midnight to quiver with excitement, and madly to champ the bit.
6They prance, and champ the bit, and the young man seems to pull on them as though his liver was coming out.
7They submitted to one that scorned to be shackled, and champed the bit in his stead.
8He champed the bit, and was wild with rage, when he saw how he had been mystified.
9When Johnny threw that thing at me about champing the bit, it was all off to Buffalo with little Will.
10Still confused, Dell finally appealed to his horse, and within a few minutes Dog-toe was in a road and champing the bits against restraint.
11His eye fell upon his brave horse, as he stood proudly curving his neck and champing the bit, "Thank Heaven, he is yet alive!"
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