The longest river of Asia; flows eastward from Tibet into the East China Sea near Shanghai.
Examples for "Changjiang"
Examples for "Changjiang"
1About Changjiang Securities Company Limited Changjiang Securities Company Limited is a China-based securities company.
2Back in 2007, the only Asian lessors of note were Changjiang Leasing and ORIX Aviation.
3Now it's clear that policies tend to tighten, Changjiang Securities said in its latest strategy report.
4Within two months, it treated one-seventh of all the country's SARS patients, the Changjiang Daily said.
5State-owned news outlet Changjiang Daily said the 1,000-bed hospital could be ready by 3 February.
1I ask Chang to list 10 things that are important to him.
2CREDITS Wardrobe: Courtesy of Fashion 911 Model: Ashley Chang Photographer: Joseph Wellington
3China's Chang'e-4 probe takes photo of the far side of the moon.
4The labors of Chang Hsuan in the second century have been mentioned.
5If anyone should know what Chang brings to the court, it's Courier.
1Their great campaign brought the Toba in 450 down to the Yangtze.
2The water will be pumped from the Yangtze river and its basin.
3It shows bridges across the mighty Yangtze River almost bereft of vehicles.
4Wuhan is just one city among several densely-populated areas along the Yangtze River.
5There is no central power grid, no running water besides the Yangtze River.
1It shows bridges across the mighty Yangtze River almost bereft of vehicles.
2Wuhan is just one city among several densely-populated areas along the Yangtze River.
3There is no central power grid, no running water besides the Yangtze River.
4However, well over 400 people still missing on the Yangtze River.
5But officials predict the Three Gorges dam will hold as the Yangtze River swells.
1"I would have loved you if you'd been born on the north fork of the Yangtze Kiang."
1Chang Jiang Shipping has also had its share of woes.
2The unit, in which Chang Jiang Shipping owns an 89 percent stake, has ceased to operate.
3The Chang Jiang, as the Chinese call it.
Translations for chang jiang