Top FTSE 100 firms like Vodafone and GlaxoSmithKline are known to have exploited these opportunities to channelbillions through Luxembourg companies.
This allowed them to channelbillions of euros of profits through Ireland and on to Irish-incorporated entities elsewhere, avoiding tax on a grand scale.
Special Report: Putin's allies channeledbillions to Ukraine oligarch In Russia, powerful friends helped him make a fortune.
Cochran has channeledbillions of federal dollars to Mississippi for shipbuilding, highways, crop subsidies, disaster relief and other projects.
That plan, which channelledbillions in American aid to rebuild European economies, was instrumental in creating modern Europe, and redrawing the global economy.
The revelation that more than 300 companies channelledbillions of euro through Luxembourg could not come at a more inopportune time for European Comm(...)