Hindi name for marijuana resin.
1These people have become greedy and would rather starve and use their land for growing charas.
2They inject charas oil into ink pen refills.
3The news letter-writers of the Mussalman time, or Harkaras, were the successors of the charas of Hindu times.
4When, on descending the river, we drew near plantations, or charas, we saw bonfires kindled by the negroes.
5Zeus and Apollo's Charas must have really done a number on him.
6Tydea still tried to smile, though their Charas were becoming more revolting.
7Her response to our Charas is not the same. The other gods nodded.
8She felt the angered Charas of the gods.
9Their Charas managed to make Tydea's stomach ache.
10It could be ascribed to the Charas or the exhilaration of seeing an event come together beautifully.
11The teens and twentysomethings very often became emotionally overwhelmed by being influenced by multiple Charas so consistently.
12His vacant expression showed that he had been conditioned to withstand the shifting Charas of multiple Lords.
13Charas is a disease of the brain.
14The Charas of half a dozen angry gods were having its toll on the morale of their enemies.
15Every gods' Charas affected people.
16Charas used to be for religious rituals, hemp was for making rope and shoes and now it's an international business.