Ainda não temos significados para "cheat the government".
1It's a common hobby to cheat the government, to cheat those who have power.
2It said that it was impossible to cheat the government, which it said had excellent oversight.
3There are many people who are too honest to cheat individuals, but still consider it a venial sin to cheat the government.
4They were not such fools as to try to cheat the Government of its righteous dues.
5The banks likewise cheated the Government out of large sums in their evasion of the stamp tax.
6The only way to make business pay was to cheat - cheatthe Government of part of the duties.
7This case demonstrates the means employed in attempts to cheat the Government in applications for pensions-toooften successful.
8"Because I believe that it's a d-- ntrickto cheat the government!"
9But others answered, "They will say it is a smart trick; that the general has cheated the Government."
10Lai had cheated the government out of $3.6 billion by smuggling oil, cars, and cigarettes.
11"You can't cheat the government out of its just dues even in the matter of punishment."
12"You have cheated the Government of hundreds of thousands dollars," she hurried on facing Beverley and Dumont.
13"You mean I'm the only one who heard Baker say he was going to cheat the Government," put in Bob bluntly.
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