Ainda não temos significados para "cherubic face".
1The heavy-set man spun around, his cherubic face set in an expression of helplessness.
2Mrs. Randolph possesses the cherubic face of the eternal child.
3A faint blush, a faint smile enlivened his cherubic face.
4A towheaded toddler sat between them, the boy's cherubic face turned toward his mother.
5As his round, cherubic face emerged between the curtains, I turned to him with considerable curiosity.
6As it takes damage, it visibly breaks apart, the cherubic face cracking and exposing the yecch underneath.
7It would be unwise to make assumptions about her intelligence based on her cherubic face, I noted.
8Even the Octavia robot developed for the Navy has a cherubic face built out of white plastic.
9On his cherubic face usually sits a half-quizzical, pleased smile, that fades into a look plaintive and very gentle.
10Her cherubic face was framed in wisps of white-blond hair, and she gazed at him with curious, hazel eyes.
11His size made amends for his cherubic face, and the insignificant nose was more than balanced by the forceful jaw.
12He was thirty-three years old, with a soft, cherubic face-but beneath the sunglasses his eyes were cold blue and cunning.
13His cherubic face grimaced.
14Ahead, he spotted a short, dapper man dressed in a slim-fitting cashmere overcoat, his pale, cherubic face reddened from the cold.
15He was a big man, heavy through the middle, thick dark hair and mustache lending maturity to an almost cherubic face.
16Too plump for wrinkles, he had a round, cherubic face, and a halo of silver-blond curls sat neatly around his balding head.
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