Ainda não temos significados para "chief councilor".
1Finian O'Melaghlin, Irish noble, warrior, and chief councilor to the great O'Fáil king, finished his grim smile.
2That said, opposition is not so cut and dried from the community's standpoint, Ellis Ross, chief councilor of the Haisla elected body, told Reuters.
3Pax continued to stare at the Chief Councilor, who looked increasingly nervous.
4Ellis was impressed the Chief Councilor remembered Pax's full name.
5Mrs. Grayson came first, as Camp Mother and Chief Councilor.
6Net became a hero, the mother of Hollow World, and the first Chief Councilor.
7In 1897 he was transferred to Westphalia, where he was Chief Councilor for the government there.
8The Chief Councilor had other matters that day and, after introducing them, left Ellis and Sol alone.
9Around the table sat The O'Fáil, his chief councilors, a priest, and a group of Irish nobles.
10Pax shoved the fancy table forward, striking Pol in the stomach and knocking the Chief Councilor's chair over.
11It would be a terrible insult to turn them down and horribly embarrassing to me as Chief Councilor.
12As the Chief Councilor did, they both noticed Pol was missing a pinky and ring finger on one hand.
14"As Chief Councilor, can't you do something to fix that?"
15The Chief Councilor was the first person Ellis saw that he knew, and since his recovery Pol had never left his side.
16"The Chief Councilor, Pol-789, is waiting to see you."
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