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Significados de chinese msm em inglês
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Uso de chinese msm em inglês
Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among ChineseMSM in 2018.
This study showed that HIV serostatus disclosure from partners was uncommon among ChineseMSM.
Conclusions: ChineseMSM are dual testing through a variety of test sites, including home self-testing.
Multilevel interventions incorporating digital health have led to significant improvement in engagement of ChineseMSM in the HIV care continuum.
Conclusion: Pressured HIV testing was reported among ChineseMSM, especially from men with low education levels and men who received HIV self-testing.
Syphilis incidence among ChineseMSM is high, and this may increase the spread of other sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus.
Conclusions: Gay apps are linked to risky sexual behaviours and may foster a virtual risk environment for STI transmission among ChineseMSM.
Conclusions: Many ChineseMSM reported adolescent sexual debut and non-consensual sex, both of which are associated with sexual risk behaviors and drive STI transmission.
We aimed to determine the impact of HIV self-testing (HIVST) interventions on frequency of HIV testing among ChineseMSM and their sexual partners.