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Significados de chosen image em inglês
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Uso de chosen image em inglês
I added a nice sepia tone to my chosenimage, too.
And Qatar will broadcast its chosenimage to the world.
The purpose of this work is realized when you make a psychological identification with the chosenimage.
NASA explained alongside its chosenimage: How did this big rock end up on this strange terrain?
It goes with their chosenimage as "fixers"; people who can manipulate the system in favour of clients.
Filmmaking is based on the exquisite art of juxtaposing one chosenimage with the next, frame after frame, for the duration of the story.
Mr Johnson is no fool; indeed, his intelligence coupled with his chosenimage of jokey-blokey "Boris" are reasons to consider him dangerous.
A hall of mirrors is a well- chosenimage for the stage set for Oscar Wilde's political melodrama, in which the characters admire their own reflections.
"If all the doctrines of the mysteries," he said, "have no more truth than this happily chosenimage, they are in a bad way.