Concept of deity in the Christian religion.
Examples for "allah"
Examples for "allah"
1They thought it the work of Allah in favor of the faithful.
2On one alumni donation card he said: Praise Allah for Sept. 11.
3It is impossible, he says, ever to understand the nature of Allah.
4Nothing in the earth or in the heaven is hidden from Allah.
5And Allah repulsed the disbelievers in their wrath; they gained no good.
1Sehket is in the trinity of Memphis-andMut in that of Thebes.
2The Occidental and Oriental conceptions of the trinity are, however, not identical.
3Judith Collins faulted at least a trinity of them in one question.
4The perfect and complete marriage in its full development is a trinity.
5One petition seeks to mandate the re-inclusion of one the Christian trinity.
1By this construction, Yahweh's work was indicated, and Yahweh's work was concealed.
2So the service of the house of Yahweh was set in order.
3But he would not be so brash as to access Yahweh directly.
4But how would irascible Yahweh measure up to these other lofty visions?
5Josuah cried, 'and give your hearts to Yahweh, the God of Israel!'
1Osanna sanctus Deus Sabaoth, superillustrans claritate tua felices ignes horum malacoth!
2Holy God of Sabaoth, beaming with thy brightness upon the blessed fires of these realms.
3Lord of Sabaoth, with Thee is no distinction in helping in great things or in small.
4The oppressed tell a tale, that goes up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.
5This represents Sabaoth, the father of the Devil.
1Was the Christian God greater than Serapis, the great deity of Egypt?
2To believe in the Christian God demands a severe moral effort.
3Yet the Christian God is a definite one, perfect in himself.
4At night the children said their prayer to the Christian God.
5The Christian God, Nietzsche taught, was pitiable, absurd and 'a crime against life'.
6Two million Hindoo god, one Christian god-maketwo million and one.
7He threatened to become a Christian if Christian gods would help slaughter his enemies.
8And Christian God go so-he drew a second straight line perpendicular to the first.
9By human standards, the Christian God cannot be good.
10The preamble to the Constitution makes it clear that the oath invokes the Christian God.
11Yet, is not your Christian God, by definition, omnipotent?
12We were a nation built on a Christian God.
13The Christian God is the infinite, definite substance, self-limited or defined by his essential nature.
14Christian god very good, Hindoo god very good, too.
15Can the Christian God tell Wingenund of his child?
16Similar in concept to the Christian view of Satan in his opposition to the Christian god.
Translations for christian god